The main purpose of any publishing house is to create products that meet the needs of the consumer. In today’s market competitiveness, the production of a quality book edition is extremely necessary in order to satisfy it. That is why quality assessment in this case occupies one of the leading places in the book printing process. The effectiveness of modern technologies for the production of printed products largely depends not only on the finished edition, but also on the effectiveness of procedures aimed at preparing and producing the edition, and their efficiency is not less important. One of such important parts of the printing process, which in the future may affect the edition quality are pre-press processes. Their essence is to perform a series of actions aimed at preparing books for printing, in other words, the process of preparing the transfer of information from one medium (computer) to another (paper).
The edition preparation should not only be considered as a purely mechanical process, as the book edition is always a creative work, although it requires compliance with established rules and methods of work. Their primary goal is to ensure the ease of reading and good visual perception of printed cliché. Because the incorrect presentation of information can lead to irreversible processes directly related to human health. To comprehend the fullness of this complex, and most importantly long-term process, is impossible without taking into account the factors that primarily affect its quality.
In the presented paper, many factors of influence on quality of book editions pre-press preparation are formed and described. The specified factors have shown the necessity of construction of the cause-and-effect diagram (Ishikawa diagram) for the graphic description of preparation quality factors.
The Ishikawa Cause Chart shows the relationship between the problem and the factors that affect it. In order to make a more detailed, thorough analysis of the situation and make a decision to solve the problem, it is advisable to build Ishikawa diagram. When constructing a chart, other factors must be recorded.
Keywords: pre-press processes, quality, factors of influence, Ishikawa diagram.
doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2022-1-64-9-18
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