Analysis of regulatory legal foundation in the printing industry

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Савченко О. М. № 1 (64) 96-103 Image Image

The concept of labor protection system and labor protection management system is considered. The state of the normative-legal base is described and the current documents on labor protection in the printing industry of Ukraine are analyzed. The requirements for the planning of production and ancillary buildings and premises in accordance with current construction and sanitary norms and rules are presented. The list of normative documents to which production processes and equipment at printing enterprises must correspond is given. The safety and health requirements for the use of production equipment by employees are specified. The list of polling stations that should be located in printing shops on isolated premises is given. It is indicated which sections should be located in isolated premises in bookbinding and finishing shops. It is advisable to have production laboratories in separate rooms, namely, chemical-analytical, color, material quality control, and instrumental measuring. The requirements for recreation and working hours of employees of the printing company are set in accordance with applicable law and taking into account the existing working conditions in the organization, features, and nature of technological processes, the degree of automation, and mechanization of production. It is noted that a significant component of the labor protection management system is the economic incentives for employers. It was emphasized that in line with economic incentives for employers, it is also necessary to pursue an effective tax policy with certain practical steps. The most important conditions are the exemption of enterprises from taxes for the next 10 years and exemption from customs duties on imported personal and collective protection of workers.

Keywords: labor protection, printing processes, system management, normative documents, requirements.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2022-1-64-96-103

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