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Гавенко М. М., Лабецька М. Т., Havenko S. F. | № 2 (69) | 55-64 |
CRM-systems are critical elements of modern business and information ecosystems, as they allow for the automation of integration, management, analysis and processing of customer data. An important aspect is the choice of a DBMS architecture that is sufficient for optimal performance, scalability and availability for a specific CRM system. The article presents data from a comparative analysis of the performance of relational (SQL) and non-relational (NoSQL) databases, taking into account such parameters as transactional consistency, availability, speed, horizontal scaling and performance under load.
This article examines the most common SQL-DBMSs (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle Database, Microsoft SQL Server, SQLite, MariaDB, IBM Db2, SAP HANA) from the point of view of ensuring ACID-properties (transactional integrity) and the most common NoSQL-DBMSs (MongoDB, Cassandra, Redis, DynamoDB, Couchbase, Firebase Realtime Database, Elasticsearch, Neo4j) from the point of view of compliance with BASE-properties. And also conducted their group comparative analysis on key performance parameters.
SQL and NoSQL databases have clear differences, which determines their optimal use in CRM-systems. SQL databases provide high transactional consistency and reliability, which makes them ideal for centralized CRM. They demonstrate stable query execution time due to the structured nature of data and support for ACID guarantees, which confirms their advantage in systems with high requirements for transactional processing. NoSQL databases are distinguished by their horizontal scaling efficiency and availability of up to 99%. These databases are optimal for CRM with a distributed architecture, where processing large volumes of unstructured data and real-time operation are important. MongoDB and Redis provide the best performance in CRM systems focused on dynamic data.
Further research into database performance in environments with tens of thousands of simultaneous queries, as well as integration with cloud platforms, opens up prospects for improving the efficiency and availability of CRM systems.
Keywords: CRM systems, relational and non-relational databases (SQL and NoSQL), data processing, transactional integrity - ACID, BASE, data storage efficiency, CAP, DBMS.
doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2024-2-69-46-54