Automated educational process support system with dynamic formation of optional components

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Пановик У. П., Пановик Р. Р., Petriv R. I., Федина Б. І. № 1 (68) 94-106 Image Image

The modern education system requires new approaches to organizing the learning process, as societal demands for the education quality are constantly changing in res­ponse to technological, economic, and cultural transformations occurring in the contemporary world. This article discusses an automated system for supporting the educational process in higher education institutions, specifically a system with dynamic formation of optional components. The possibilities of integrating a subsystem for the formation of optional disciplines into the overall system of educational process support, considering the legislative requirements of Ukraine in this field, are examined. An analysis of existing solutions, both domestic and international, related to educational process management systems is conducted. The mechanism of student selection of optional disciplines, which requires consideration of their individual needs and academic goals, is reviewed. Special attention is given to ensuring transparency, efficiency, and convenience for users when selecting educational components. The developed subsystem provides the ability to determine a list of optional disciplines that can be offered by departments as well as from curricula of various specialties and training directions, using student data to personalize this list according to their individual needs and interests. The modular structure of the system implemented based on Python 3.9 software and using open-source code in VS Code, simplifies the process of modification and adaptation to the needs of specific higher education institutions.

The implementation of the automated subsystem with dynamic formation of optional components allows for efficient use of time and resources on administrative procedures by automating the process of forming individual study plans and ensuring compliance with the requirements of state educational standards and other regulatory documents. The application of this approach in the education system can lead to an improvement in the quality of education, an increase in student motivation for learning, greater student satisfaction with the educational process, and enhanced competitiveness of higher education institutions in the educational services market.

Keywords: educational process, optional components, automated system, Google Form, Python, Visual Studio Code, regulatory documentation.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2024-1-68-94-106

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