Automation peculiarities of the publishing and printing enterprises management

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Maik L. Ya., Lotoshynska N. D. № 1 (60) 75-88 Image Image

The historical aspects analysis of automatic management systems development has been conducted in the following article. That process has been developing successively from the complete paperwork, combined systems with different digital databases (order placing in Access tool, task planning in Excel, accounting operations in 1C etc.) to the modern automated management systems for printing enterprises (Printec etc.) It must be admitted that only the complex solution will create a unique information space for all enterprise departments and provide information regarding all printing enterprise activity aspects. The idea of complexity is vital for printing industry enterprises as contradictory information flows are ineffective and cause incorrect managerial decisions. Nowadays the enterprise automated management system is a software developed for management and business accounting in companies. Such software includes key management systems for manufacturing and commercial activities in printing enterprises, e.g. production, planning, finance and accounting, procurement, human resources, sales and marketing, stocks, order placing and controlling etc. The following systems are developed to provide managers with the information needed for decision-making process, and create a digital space for the information exchange between an enterprise, clients and suppliers. However, printing enterprises are facing numerous issues while automated management system implementation. Despite the issues, printing enterprise development is impossible without modern automated management systems implementation. The most spread fo­reign automated management systems are analyzed in simple terms in the following article.

Keywords: enterprise automated management system, digital paperwork, infor­ma­tion and methodological providing, printing industry, printing products.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2020-1-60-75-88

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