Background for the formation of the safety system of foreign economic activity of the enterprise

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Kavyn S. Ya. № 1 (58) 124-131 Image Image

Effective functioning of the national economy in general and of each economic entity in particular is possible only with the creation of favorable conditions for imp­lementation of the planned economic development strategies. Conditions of ef­fec­ti­­ve development of foreign economic activity of the enterprise is the creation of a me­cha­nism for ensuring the economic security and development of foreign economic relations of economic entities.

The purpose of this research was to determine the parameters of the security system of foreign economic activity of enterprises, the preconditions for its formation and the main factors influencing its effectiveness.

The concept of “foreign economic security” in general reflects the safe state of the socio-economic system of Ukraine and its links with other socio-economic systems of the world in the framework of conducting economic activity. The enterprise as the main link of the national economy, carrying out foreign economic activity, serves as an indicator of the level of development of all the above-mentioned socio-economic systems and forms the preconditions for effective international economic relations.

It has been substantiated that on the one hand, the level of security of foreign economic activity of each individual enterprise determines the general level of foreign economic activity of the country, but on the other hand, the level of development of the country’s economy and conditions of international cooperation significantly affect the ability of an individual enterprise to withstand all kinds of threats, both external and internal. Such interdependence of the conditions and factors that determine the level of security of foreign economic activity at all levels of management, indicates the need to consider the security of foreign economic activity of the company as a component of national and international security of the country.

The security of foreign economic activity of the enterprise is rather complex and multifaceted concept and needs a systematic approach. The security system of foreign economic activity, like any other, includes the subject, object, process and mechanism. The mechanism in turn includes methods and tools whose choice is due to the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the enterprise resources

Despite the impressive list of state bodies entrusted with the functions of ensuring the effective foreign economic activity declared in the Law, in practice there is a lack of tangible support from the state for enterprises that, in the process of foreign economic activity, are faced with various threats, the neutralization of which is entirely on the shoulders of themselves entrepreneurs.

Threats that can affect the level of security of foreign economic activity of enterprises, are formed in different environments, and depending on the conditions of formation can be distinguished the following levels: international economic, political and legal, microeconomic.

In order to form an effective system of ensuring the security of foreign economic activity of enterprises, it is necessary to identify the key tools of influence through determining the level of their ability. Such tools, in the author’s opinion, are state regulation of foreign economic activity. It is known that the nature of state regulation through the introduction of regulatory acts can be both stimulating and restraining. In this context, it should be noted that the main task of the state policy in the field of regulation of fo­reign economic activity is the consistency of the interests of society with the interests of economic entities, which is the key to the development of foreign economic activity at all levels of socio-economic systems.

It should be noted that the important place in the system of foreign economic security of enterprises is the organizational support, the improvement of which, to date, is an urgent need, as it involves the introduction of transparent and simple procedures for customs tariff and non-tariff regulation. The efficiency of the operation of enterprises, including in the field of foreign economic activity, directly depends on the effectiveness of management, which in turn is based on professionalism and entrepreneurial ability.

The conducted researches allow to state that the state policy in the field of foreign economic activity is the main instrument of influence on its efficiency, and thus on safety. Only state regulation is an effective tool that can influence the structure of foreign trade in goods, through the stimulation of domestic commodity producers.

Keywords: foreign trade activity, foreign trade in goods, security system of foreign economic activity of the enterprise, threats to foreign economic activity of enterprises.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2019-1-58-124-131

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