Characteristics of main components of the economic security system of the fuel and energy complex

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Busaryev D. V. № 1 (58) 95-102 Image Image

The fuel and energy complex of Ukraine is very sensitive to any external and internal threats because of political and economic instability. In order to adapt and counteract them, an effective system of economic security is needed. To do this, it is not enough to simply integrate the already existing systems of economic security, since the specifics of functioning require a new approach that would take into account the structural features of a complex socio-economic system, which is the fuel and energy complex.

This type of complex socio-economic systems as a fuel and energy complex sig­ni­ficantly affects the state of the national economy and has characteristic differences in the structure that are not inherent in other systems. One of these is its «two-sidedness»: on the one hand, we have an open-looking system, and on the other, almost complete subordination in the functioning and development that the system carries out of a higher order. For the formation of the economic security system of the fuel and energy complex, it is necessary to take into account a number of interests, ranging from each individual socio-economic system to the state as a whole.

The economic security system of the fuel and energy complex is a set of structural interconnected and interacting elements that are aimed at recognizing challenges, mi­nimizing risks, counteracting (adapting) external and internal threats and dangers in order to achieve social, economic and energy security.

The central place of each system is its structure. To date, there are a significant number of scientific approaches to the vision of what should be the key structural ele­ments of the system of economic security.

Based on our analysis, we suggest to identify the following structural elements of the economic security system of the fuel and energy complex as a complex socio-economic system: objects, subjects, functional components, measure, mechanism, and policy.

In our opinion, the policy element of the economic security system of the fuel and energy complex should include the following components: goal and system goals; principles, functions; tasks; strategy.

The peculiarity of the system of economic security of a single enterprise is, first of all, directly the task of the owner. For the fuel and energy complex, everything is different, since it is characterized by tight connections between business entities (regardless of ownership) and affects the development of the national economy. Combining the efforts of the owners and the state, goes beyond just creating a favourable business climate, is determined by the strategic guidelines of the entire state as a whole. In this case, the formation of the economic security system of the fuel and energy complex requires a different approach, which takes into account the strength of internal and external relations.

Over the 25 years of our state’s existence, management in such complex socio-economic systems as the fuel and energy complex has hardly changed. There is still vertical state control, on the one hand, it indicates a high level of control, but on the other hand, there is no development for the lack of new management methods.

Keywords: economic security, economic security system, fuel and energy complex, functional components, structural elements.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2019-1-58-95-102

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