Design and construction of packaging using augmented reality

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Zatserkovna R. S., Зацерковний Р. Г., Степанець В. О. № 2 (69) 76-81 Image Image

The article highlights the main task of reproduction ─ the quality of color reproduction. For the study, experimental prints printed by different output systems were selected, on which the Lab and xyY color coordinates were measured to construct color coverages. It was determined that the digital machine has the greatest coverage. The dependences of the cost of manufacturing products on the circulation were constructed, according to the selected printing technologies, the cost indicators of a certain number of prints, taking into account the prices per sheet of paper. According to the construction of the dependence, with digital printing, with an increase in the circulation, the cost of the finished print partially decreases, and with offset printing, with an increase in the circulation, the price significantly decreases. To compare the time for manufacturing products, data on the time for printing at different circulations are presented, according to which the dependence of the efficiency of manufacturing products on different equipment was constructed. It is proved that the efficiency of manufacturing products on digital machines prevails in small circulations, and offset ones are advisable to use for large circulations.

Keywords: color reproduction, color proofing, color coverage, print quality, printing products.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2024-2-69-65-75

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