Author(s) | Collection number | Pages | Download abstract | Download full text |
Поліщук В. А., Myklushka I. Z., Филь В. Я. | № 2 (69) | 82-90 |
In the modern era, when technology is developing at an unprecedented rate, the printing industry is moving beyond traditional formats. The creation of innovative solutions in this area is becoming a key component of companies’ marketing strategies, which contributes to their stable development and long-term success.
In this regard, an important task for maintaining competitive positions in the market is to introduce modern approaches to packaging design. One of the most promising areas is the use of augmented reality (AR) technologies as a tool to improve consumer experience.
Augmented reality offers new opportunities for consumer interaction with the brand, providing a completely unique experience. This technology allows you to display additional information about a product, visualize it in the form of virtual models, or interact with it in an innovative way. Packaging that includes AR elements is developed taking into account not only the usual technical parameters, but also psychological and marketing needs.
Original ideas are often at the heart of successful innovative packaging projects aimed at attracting the attention of the audience. AR technology can be a crucial element that makes a product memorable and sets a brand apart from its competitors. Therefore, to effectively integrate augmented reality into a packaging product, it is necessary to choose tools that allow you to maximize the potential of this innovative technology.
This article covers the topic of packaging design with augmented reality elements. The features of the MyWebAR environment developed by DEVAR are considered; its main capabilities, features, and advantages are highlighted. An example of packaging with AR elements using the Fairy Tale Toys project is presented.
Keywords: packaging, construction, design, augmented reality, AR.
doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2024-2-69-76-81