Formation of an effective development mechanism in the context of strategic enterprise management

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Kobryn L. Y. № 1 (60) 123-129 Image Image

The article presents a theoretical justification and the developed practical re­com­mendations for the need to improve the management system of the enterprise in elaborating an effective development mechanism.

The elaboration of an effective development mechanism involves establishing a cer­tain sequence of management procedures, identifying the components of the de­ve­lop­ment management system and establishing their relationship in order to increase the current and future performance of the enterprise.

The formation of a mechanism for managing the enterprise development is possible if there is strategic planning and it involves continuous improvement of the enterprise management system, which will ultimately ensure its effective functioning in a competitive environment.

An effective mechanism for managing the enterprise development involves: the organization of monitoring the implementation of tactical and strategic plans, the development of objective methods of economic evaluation of performance and potential results, processing and systematization of all information that affects the achievement of tactical and strategic objectives, analytical and statistical database on risks and reserves, causes and consequences, as well as potential solutions and methods to achieve them, the organization of collection, processing and transmission of information in an operational mode using the information technology, the application of effective staff motivation policy based on the results of tactical and strategic goals.

Improving the development management system involves the development of strategic multifunctional programs, the preparation of financial support and personnel decisions. This process should be accompanied by changes in the organizational structure, the budget policy, general corporate culture and the enterprise management.

Keywords: management, development, enterprise, strategy, system, resources, efficiency, planning, analysis, evaluation, factors, market, competitiveness.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2020-1-60-123-129

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