Formation of the corporate management mechanism of publishing and printing activity enterprises

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Palyha Ye. M., Сидорченко Т. Ф. № 1 (64) 104-112 Image Image

The publishing and printing industry has entered the new socio-economic conditions of management and today, having the appropriate level of concentration and specialization, focuses on appropriate production volumes, the introduction of modern technologies using advanced materials, adapted to market relations. It is important to develop an PPA development strategy that ensures the efficient allocation and use of all available resources and the transition to management based on analysis and forecasts. The mechanism of corporate governance is considered effective when certain goals are achieved at the level of corporate formations, provided that the rights of owners and the interests of all participants are taken into account in the corporate process. It is established that the proposed internal mechanism of PPA corporation in the corporate sector shifts the emphasis on the profit maximization, which is typical for a private enterprise, to satisfy the interests of owners, as well as other participants in corporate relations. It is determined that in order to create favorable conditions for the publishing business it is necessary to form a developed civilized publishing market. The composition of the main participants of the publishing market and their relationship is presented, as well as the characteristic features of the publishing and printing industry are identified.

Substantiation of the mechanism of corporate governance of enterprises of VPD will promote the growth of the enterprises effective activity in the conditions of crisis phenomena in the economy with the further research of problems in the printing and publishing industry and the publishing market.

The mechanism of corporate governance of corporate formations of PPA, preservation of the rights of owners and observance of the rights of all participants of the printing activity and rendering of the services connected with it is studied.

Keywords: corporate governance, publishing and printing activities, internal mechanism of corporate governance, publishing market, producers of publishing materials, copyright agencies.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2022-1-64-104-112

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