Methodological principles of the formation of creative thinking in the Bauhaus higher school of construction and art design

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Дрімайло М. М., Maik V. Z. № 1 (68) 247-255 Image Image

The article analyzes the methodological principles and pedagogical strategies of the Bauhaus, a school that had a significant impact on art and design. The methodological approaches of the school remain relevant even nowadays. It is analyzed how the Bauhaus rethought the role of art and design, integrating visual arts, craft and technology, which promoted an interdisciplinary approach to education and creativity. It examines the school’s unique approach to innovation in design, architecture and art, which has led to changes in educational approaches.

The main material focuses on the key principles of the Bauhaus. In the process of the analysis, the principles are singled out, which can most illuminate the methodological foundations of the formation of creative thinking in the Bauhaus higher school of construction and art design. Basic principles are:

a) pedagogical strategies

b) interdisciplinary cooperation

c) integration of theory and practice

d) emphasis on experimentation

e) student-centered learning

f) technology integration.

The influence of these principles on the formation of educational programs and their influence on art education is analysed. The work emphasizes that pedagogical strategies remain important for modern education. The conclusion confirms that the methodological principles of the Bauhaus continue to influence the education.

Keywords: Bauhaus, educational process, creative thinking, pedagogy, research methods.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2024-1-68-247-255

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