Author(s) | Collection number | Pages | Download abstract | Download full text |
Tymchenko O. V., Havrysh B. M. | № 2 (69) | 11-20 |
This article describes the problems and opportunities for the development of a publishing and printing industry enterprise using the concept of sustainable development. It examines the current state of affairs in the direction of sustainable development and the possibilities of using the concept of sustainable development to improve the management system of a publishing and printing industry enterprise. The problem is that most enterprises do not pay attention, or very rarely pay attention, to the goals and principles of sustainable development when improving their management system. The issues of improving management are relevant for all enterprises, including publishing and printing industry enterprises. Creating a management system with strong characteristics and indicators will increase the efficiency of the enterprise’s operational activities and ensure its development. The article examines existing international standards that contain recommendations for the implementation of management systems, the requirements of which are based on the principles of sustainable development. In addition to analyzing existing approaches, there is a search for ways and opportunities for improving the management system and creating a comprehensive management system taking into account the concept of sustainable development, adapted to the specifics of the publishing and printing industry. The article analyzes the principles and goals of sustainable development and selects those that can positively influence the management system of an enterprise in the publishing and printing industry. The areas of economic efficiency, environmental friendliness, energy efficiency, risk orientation, digital transformation, innovation and social responsibility have significant potential for further improvement of the management system. The areas of improvement indicated above require practical measures to implement and conduct further analysis of their impact on improving the enterprise’s activities. Improving the management system of an enterprise in the publishing and printing industry oriented to the principles and goals of sustainable development can have a positive impact on both the development of the enterprise and the development of the industry and the economy as a whole.
Keywords: sustainable development, management, development, innovation, ecology, enterprise, publishing and printing industry
doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2024-2-69-166-173