Modeling of information interaction of subjects using graphs

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Viter M. B., Держук О. В., Bazyliuk K. F. № 1 (64) 32-40 Image Image

The issues of the information interaction modeling, which is related to the orga­nizational and technological elements of the information space are considered in the article. Depending on the scope, the concept of information space can be interpreted in different ways. In order to highlight its organizational and technological component, the authors proposed instead of the concept of information space to consider the space of information interaction, which includes the following elements: participants in information interaction; information resources exchanged by participants; means of information resources transmission.

Participants (subjects) of information interaction can be both individuals and legal entities, as well as machines that transmit or receive relevant information. Information resources are any type of information that can be transmitted: text, numerical data, audio, video, databases, etc. The means of transmitting information can be paper, te­le­communications channels, including the Internet, cloud technology and more. However, if one entity provides remote access to its data to another entity, this is also to be con­sidered as data transmission.

The vector of information interaction is described as a basic element of the structure of the information interaction space, that illustrates the peculiarities of information trans­fering from one subject to another. It is established that the parameters of the vector of information interaction are: subjects of information interaction, elements of normative, functional and telecommunication types of interaction. Accordingly, they describe: the scenario of information interaction; components of interaction related to information resources; means of information transfering. The direction of the information interaction vector is defined as the same as the direction of information transfering from one subject to another. Based on the concept of the information interaction vector, the definition of the information procedure concept and the information process concept is given.

Graphic models of specific information processes are developed in the article. The possibilities of application of the mathematical apparatus of graph theory for information processes modeling are specified.

Keywords: information process, information interaction, vector of information inte­raction, graph model of information interaction.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2022-1-64-32-40

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