Peculiarities of using WIKAMP platform for distance learning

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Khamula O. H., Конюхов А. Д. № 1 (60) 43-52 Image Image

The article presents the results of the study of peculiarities of using WIKAMP platform for distance learning at Lodz University of Technology (Poland). It is noted that WIKAMP home page consists of 8 main blocks: ZIP, employee area, student area, WIKAMP assistance, courses, classes and exams, university information, support. It is also possible to log in or select a language to use. The evaluation of the peculiarities of using WIKAMP platform has been carried out with the help of the professor and his account. The editing of the course is described, which begins with the addition of a discussion forum. After that, the discipline, the lecture materials and the access to reading are added to a separate group of students. The possibility of adding various interactive elements to the course materials is explained. A questionnaire with the addition of interactive elements is formed, which has the ability to add different types of questions; choosing the right answer; true or false statement and filling in the blanks in the sentence. Upon completion of the questionnaire, one can immediately see his/her result and find out in which questions mistakes are made. One can also add questions to the course database and create a final test.

It is explained that WIKAMP platform for distance learning provides a comfortable and fast communication between professors and students through the creation of forums. It is noted that WIKAMP platform for distance learning is very secure and reliable for storing the information of educational courses of the educational institution, as it allows the professor to provide students with access only for a certain course.

Keywords: distance learning, platforms, hierarchical model, reachability matrix of reach, graph of connections, set of criteria.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2020-1-60-43-52

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