Personal information and analytical activity at formation of goal-oriented decisions in the system of teamwork

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Tupychak L. L., Sikora L. S., Гуцуляк О. М., Шпаковська Д. № 2 (61) 39-46 Image Image

Team building is a key element of a successful organization’s strategy. The core values in any company are focused on service, quality, cost, speed, efficiency, productivity, but the team remains the central method of success of most organizations in any field of activity.

The research shows that when a team becomes more aligned, has a clear vision of the goal, its members work together in harmony under the guidance of the leader, and the efforts are combined into one stream of effective work, this provides the organization with greater productivity and competitiveness in the market. A feature of the team is a shared vision of the goal, as well as an understanding of the possibility of complementing each other’s efforts on the path to success.

Goal setting determines the parameters of rational operation and development of the company, and the choice of goal is a key step in making management decisions in IT field. According to the chosen goal, the strategy of development of the organization and tactics is realized, forecasts and the action plan are developed, results of the accepted decisions for effective team work are estimated. Goal setting is the main principle of management and system approach, according to which each subsystem is aimed at achieving the goal, is subordinate to the purpose of the higher subsystem and the system as a whole.

It should be noted that for the theory and practice of management actions in the hierarchy of complex systems of teamwork, the definition of the main goals and their coordination at different levels is considered a complex task. Hierarchical inconsistency of goals is the basis of management costs associated with the management of the company. That is why the peculiarity of the formation and clarification of tasks is the construction of a hierarchy of subtasks, improving them to a certain level of priority of the main goal in relation to less priority goals. One of the main tasks is to form a vector of goals of management decisions in the structure of complex systems in the work of IT team.

Keywords: team, purpose, hierarchy, team building, managerial actions, sphere-IT, goals, sub-goals, complex systems.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2020-2-61-39-46

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