Author(s) | Collection number | Pages | Download abstract | Download full text |
Дулька О. Б., Vasiuta S. P. | № 2 (69) | 102-109 |
The effectiveness of modern print production technologies largely depends not only on the finished publication, but also on the effectiveness of the procedures aimed at preparing and producing the publication. One of the most important links in the printing process, which can further affect the quality of the publication, is the layout process. The layout process ensures the stylistic and technical unity of the design, as well as the artistic integrity of the publication, using technical rules, norms and standards. The quality of the finished publication directly depends on the quality of its implementation.
An analysis of recent research shows a growing interest in the use of intelligent technologies, in particular semantic neural networks. Researchers are studying the use of these networks, as it offers new ways to automate and optimise the assessment of layout quality. However, their application remains insufficiently studied to date.
This article discusses the theoretical foundations of neural networks and their practical application in publishing. The article discusses the advantages of using neural network technologies in comparison with traditional methods of assessing the quality of layout, such as semantic networks, since this approach will allow taking into account the complex interrelationships between different stages of layout and provide an objective assessment of the quality of the final product.
The article describes the process of building systemic neural networks, which consists of the following stages: determination of the factors influencing the research object and the initial research parameters, as well as data standardisation; selection of the neural network structure and its training.
The study outlines a number of key factors that affect the quality of book layout, including: type of publication, size parameters of the publication, font design, illustration design, layout complexity group, rules of assembly and completion.
Keywords: semantic neural network, layout, neural network
doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2024-2-69-91-101