Research of quality factors of software testing

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Kudriashova A. V., Сосновський І. Ю., Надибська Н. М., Серафим О. В. № 2 (61) 11-18 Image Image

Many factors influencing the quality of software testing are identified, which include: models and methodologies of software life cycle, levels of testing, types of testing, performers, limitations. With the help of graph theory and methods of system analysis, graphs of connections between the factors of the studied technological process are constructed, which make it possible to visualize direct and indirect influences and dependencies of factors. To establish the priority of factors, the method of mathematical modelling of hierarchies is used, which involves the formation of a binary matrix of factors reachability and the construction of iterative tables. The iterative tables contain the information about the ordinal number of the factor in the set, a subset of the set of achievable vertices, a subset of the set of vertices of the predecessors and the intersection of subsets. During the first iteration for the factor “Constraint”, there is a coincidence of the values of the subset of the vertices of the predecessors and the intersection of the subsets, which indicates its highest priority. At the second level, the factors “Software life cycle models and methodologies” and “Performers” are identified, which have the same priority. Next in rank is the “Test Levels” factor. The lowest rank belongs to the factor “Types of testing”. Based on the data obtained during the iteration, a model of the priority influence of factors on the quality of software testing is synthesized. The factor with the highest priority is located at the top of the model, and the one with the lowest are at the bottom. Factors with the same priority are on the same level. The model of the priority influence of factors is detailed with the help of the cause-and-effect diagram of Ishikawa, which is a graphical arrangement of the factors influencing the object of analysis. The priority of the factors is positioned from right to left - from the “head” to the “tail of the fish skeleton”.

Keywords: factor, quality, graph, iteration, model, software testing.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2020-2-61-11-18

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