Research of the anilox roller cleaning process in manufacturing conditions

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Кукура Т. Ю., Kukura V. V. № 1 (68) 153-160 Image Image

The basis of experimental research is the flexographic printing workshop of JV Poly Pak LLC (Lviv). In the process of research, a set of ceramic anilox rollers with a hexagonal cell shape, different lineatures and ink capacity is used. The analysis of the anilox roller surface and their contamination degree is determined using AniCAM 3D microscope and Anilox QC Application software of the British company “Troika Systems”. Flexo Hard and Flexo Soft (3V Group) and Anilox Cleaner (Flexoclean) washing solutions are used to clean anilox rollers. To assess the efficiency of the roller cleaning process, the parameters of the contaminated and washed anilox roller are measured and the data obtained are compared with the initial characteristics of the anilox roller.

As a result of experimental studies of anilox rollers with different technological characteristics, the dependency of the efficient volume of the anilox roller cell on the number of washes with a cleaning agent for rollers of different lineatures is determined, and the optimal modes of the roller cleaning are determined. The efficiency of the use of agents from different manufacturers for deep and regular cleaning of anilox rollers is established and it is determined that when using Flexo Hard agent for high lineature ani­lox rollers, one wash cleans the roller cells by approximately 50-60%, for anilox rollers of medium lineature – by 70-75%, and for rollers with the lineature 100-120 lin/cm – by 90-95%. Thus, when washing heavily contaminated anilox rollers with a high lineature, at least 2 rinses are necessary, for anilox rollers with an average lineature, 1-2 rinses are needed, and for low lineature anilox rollers, using Flexo Hard cleaning agent allows one to qua­litatively clean the roller surface in one wash.

In general, the results of the experimental studies make it possible to develop practical recommendations for the selection of optimal modes and materials for the anilox cleaning process, which, in turn, will increase the imprint quality and the efficiency of the flexographic printing technological process.

Keywords: flexographic printing method, anilox roller, roller lineature, anilox cell volume, chemical cleaning.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2024-1-68-153-160

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