Research of the quality of Braille convex embossing on cardboard packaging

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Koniukhova I. I., Логінський А. А., Koniukhov O. D., Nazar I. M. № 1 (68) 231-237 Image Image

The article presents the results of experimental studies of the quality of Braille convex embossing on cardboard packages. Various printing methods are used to apply dot-relief images (Braille) on packages: inkjet, laser, stencil, as well as convex embossing. The relevance of convex embossing for the creation of Braille is supported not only by technological developments, but also by social importance. In today’s world, Braille embossing remains a key tool for equal opportunity and access to knowledge. That is why the study of the quality of imprints of Braille convex embossing, its effectiveness depends on the correct selection of technical parameters, such as temperature, pressure, time and the selected material for imprints. The quality of the Braille embossing of the product is primarily influenced by the quality of the material from which it is made. The evenness and smoothness of the cardboard, that is, the microgeometry of its surface, is important. The degree of smoothness of the cardboard depends on how easily visually impaired people will perceive information. The smoothness of the cardboard in combination with its elastic-plastic and physical-mechanical properties is the main factor in the indicators of the properties of the cardboard. Equally important characteristics of cardboard and their influence on the formation of a relief dot image are mass, thickness, mechanical strength of cardboard and resistance to abrasion. The results of studies on the resistance to abrasion of the Braille font applied by congruous embossing show that the samples made of cellulose cardboard are more resistant to mechanical damage than those made of waste paper.

Keywords: packaging, convex embossing, Braille font, technical characteristics of cardboard, quality assessment, resistance to abrasion, optical microscopy.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2024-1-68-231-237

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