Research of the quality of the cardboard packaging cutting process

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Koniukhova I. I., Зборівський Н. А., Koniukhov O. D. № 1 (68) 192-197 Image Image

The article presents the results of research into the quality of the cardboard packa­ging cutting process. Cutting technology is an important stage in the production of cardboard packaging for various industries. A large range of materials for the manufacture of packaging, the ability to print, process, design and construct various and complex forms require the improvement of die-cutting dies and devices. Ishikawa’s cause-and-effect diagram of the quality of the cardboard packaging cutting process is developed, which makes it possible to identify the influencing factors: the cardboard quality (weight, thickness, moisture, stiffness); a type of cardboard; sizes of blanks; acclimatization of the material; material temperature; availability of technological instructions, norms, standards for performing this operation; working conditions, experience, qualifications and professional skills of performers; selected technology; the equipment on which cutting is carried out; the quality of punching tools, the material from which punching tools are made; the quality of preparation of materials and equipment for work, microclimate of production premi­ses (humidity, temperature). The factors influencing the production of punching molds for various types of materials are defined: parameters of rulers (cutting, running, perforation) – height, type of sharpening, thickness; different methods of setting rulers are used for certain types of material; parameters of ejector materials; parameters of the base of the stamping form. Conducted optical microscopy studies of cardboard packages of different thickness, density and surface treatment show some defects of fiber tearing due to blunting of the cutting lines of the punching form.

Keywords: packaging, cardboard, die-cutting, punching die, die-cutting tools, quality assessment, optical microscopy, Ishikawa causal diagram.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2024-1-68-192-197

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