Simulation of the influence of magnetic impurities in printing inks on the quality of barcodes

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Bazyliuk K. F., Ладик С. Р., Koniukhov O. D. № 1 (60) 89-97 Image Image

The article considers the issue of improving the quality of product labelling with bar codes using inks with magnetic properties. The analysis of geometrical parameters of barcode printing on cardboards and papers by offset method in accordance with the standard ISO / IEC 13360: 2001 with the use of inks with magnetic impurities based on Nickel oxide.

In the course of the research, the experimental data reflecting qualitative cha­rac­teristics of the lines of the barcodes constructed at various sizes of the maintenance of magnetic impurity in inks are received. The evaluation of barcode quality has been carried out according to the ANSI method using the IAS (QEA) device, which allows one to determine three parameters of line quality: width, blur, uniformity of line edges.

The correlation and regression analysis of experimental data has been performed using the Statistica 10 package. The analysis has revealed that the values of each of the quality parameters are strongly correlated with the percentage of impurities in the ink, and with increasing, this content monotonically increases the value of the corresponding quality parameter. Since the analysis of experimental data has revealed that their distribution does not correspond to normal, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient has been used for the correlation analysis.

Using the Nonlinear Estimation module of the Statistica 10 package, regression models have been constructed for each of the studied quality parameters. The study has revealed the polynomial nature of the dependence of each of the parameters on the percentage of magnetic impurities in the ink. Multiple correlation coefficients have been calculated to confirm the closeness of the mathematical form of the relationship to the experimental data.

Based on the analysis, it has been established that the best quality of barcode lines is achieved with a lower percentage of magnetic impurities in the printing ink, and to ensure the proper quality of barcode lines it is necessary that the content of magnetic impurities based on Nickel oxide does not exceed 1.5%.

The obtained results allow one to solve the problem of improving the printing technology for marking products with bar codes by optimizing the content of magnetic impurities in printing inks and to provide standard requirements for geometric parameters and optical parameters of bar codes.

Keywords: printing process, bar codes, inks with magnetic properties, quality, ma­the­matical model, geometric parameters of bar codes.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2020-1-60-89-97

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