Statistical analysis of research results of the previous ink filling parameters at the ink printing system

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Пановик У. П., Petriv R. I. № 1 (60) 66-74 Image Image

The main stages, content, and results of experimental verification of the developed technology to determine the optimal number of cycles of previous ink filling at the ink printing system before the beginning of printing are considered in the article. The introduction of experimental technology has been carried out following the algorithm defined. In the process of finding solutions by simulation results, quantitative parameters of the influence factor and the resulting signs have been obtained. The effectiveness of the experimental research is confirmed by reliable indicators, which are tested using methods of mathematical statistics. Single-factor variance analysis of the substandard products output using the previous ink filling mode at the ink printing system has been carried out. A significant influence of the cycle’s number of previous ink filling at the ink printing system on the number of substandard imprints has been established. The experimental data have been approximated by a polynomial using the least-squares method. For the smallest relative errors obtained, a mathematical model of the relationship between the measured values is established. Correlation-regression analysis establishes a close relationship between the factor and the resulting sign.

Following the objectives of the research, the optimization task has been carried out to obtain optimal parameters of the previous ink filling system. The efficiency of practical implementation of the developed technology to reduce technological costs is substantiated. When using the previous ink filling mode, both the time of the ink printing system exit to the steady-state mode of operation and the number of substandard imprints are reduced. The results of the statistical analysis indicate the effectiveness of the developed technology and the appropriateness of its implementation in the process of the printing system’s previous adjusting.

Keywords: ink printing system, previous ink filling of system, computer simulation, single-factor analysis of variance, correlation-regression analysis, optimization problem.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2020-1-60-66-74

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