Synthesis of the development model of declarative programming training system

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Hileta I. V., Гілета А. І. № 2 (63) 147-154 Image Image

The classification of factors influencing the development process of the declarative programming information training system is carried out. As a result, four categories of factors are identified: software modules, user requirements, development tools and support. The category of software modules determines such factors – interpreter, documentation of use, training system, service tools of the system; the category of user requirements – intuitive use, functional convenience and completeness; the category of development tools – the main technologies of the interpreter, technologies and means of development; support – hosting and project support. The selected nine factors sufficiently characterize the system operation. To describe the structure of the subject area of the declarative programming educational system, a semantic network is created, the nodes of which are selected factors, and the arcs are the functional relationship between them. To further establish the significance of each factor, a multilevel model of influencing factors is constructed using the hierarchical analysis, which distributes them by levels of dominance and the established set of relationships between them. Accordingly, the factors are located at the next six levels; on the first – the intuitive use of the educational system, the main technologies of the translator, the technologies used and the means of development; on the second – the placement and support of the project, the interpreter of declarative language; on the third – the documentation of the system use; on the fourth – the service tools of the system; on the fifth – the functional convenience and completeness; on the sixth – the system of teaching declarative programming. The procedure sets the priority of factors and determines the reliability of the influence degree of factors on the development of declarative programming information training system. For further study of dominance in the future, it is planned to establish numerical values of the weights of influencing factors, which will allow one to make informed decisions about the parameters of the declarative programming educational system.

Keywords: subject area of information system, classification of factors of influence, multilevel model of influence, weight of factor of influence.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2021-2-63-147-154

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