Tapplication of marketing management in the conditions of digitalization

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Mazii N. H., Fesh M. S., Zaporozhan L. P. № 1 (68) 292-297 Image Image

Digitalization in modern business, its impact and areas of application are considered. The essence of marketing management is revealed, the main tasks and functions for increasing the competitiveness of Ukrainian business on the global market for the production of goods and the provision of services are analyzed. It is determined that marketing management mainly involves strategic, tactical and operational planning. The attention is focused on the possibilities of automation of marketing management functions and key directions are highlighted. The impact of digitalization on marketing management through digital channels and platforms, personalization, data-driven marketing, communities, analytics and measurement, mobile marketing, and e-commerce is explored. Special emphasis is placed on professional requirements for effective implementation of marketing management in the company.

Keywords: marketing, marketing management, digital technologies, market, competitiveness, planning, product, service, client, business, strategy.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2024-1-68-292-297

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