Theoretical and methodological approaches of innovations estimation introduction efficiency in printing company

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Bozhenko O. M. № 1 (52) 135-145 Image Image

Theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of economic efficiency creation and introduction of technical innovations have been researched. The analysis of innovation development of some printing companies has been done, particularly methods of substantiation of economic efficiency of manufacturing application of technical innovations. The analysis of existing methods and recommendations of a number of local scientists-economists has been done to assess the efficiency of innovative investment enterprise development and introduction of new technology. Criteria and indicators have been studied to assess the effectiveness of technical innovations found their advantages and disadvantages and noted the problems that need to be addressed through additional research. The necessity of developing a new official method of economic assessment of cost effectiveness in research and development and innovation in production and, based on industry procedures (instructions), which comprehensively covered to methodological issues calculations socio-economic efficiency on the basis of the adopted criteria and the system of basic and auxiliary partial (individual) performance. The attention is given to the need for new approaches to study the efficiency of technological innovation, orientation on their priority indicators of social efficiency and economic security.

Keywords: innovation, effectiveness, methodological approaches, net discounted income, discount rate, social and environmental consequences.

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