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Грицьків Р. П. | № 2 (69) | 166-173 |
Understanding the phenomena that shape changes in social behavior is a result of knowledge about interpersonal communication processes. The ability to use this knowledge helps us to resolve any discussions with an interlocutor and satisfy their expectations. The development of science, in particular psychology, linguistics, sociology, pedagogy, and even political science, in view of the analysis of interaction processes, has become a driving force in the development of this field. The object of interest in these sciences and other related disciplines was the genesis of interpersonal relationships and models of basic social situations. The relevance of this research should not be underestimated, since proper relations between professional and social groups prevent quality communication between colleagues, as a result of which a decrease in the efficiency of the entire enterprise is observed. It is worth recalling that when developing communication research, the initial questions concerned only the use of language in regulating human relations. However, in the long term, there has been a significant deepening of the analysis and expansion of research topics in the fields of sociology, social psychology, and even medicine.
Our research confirms that mutual understanding between colleagues, creating a friendly atmosphere in favorable conditions for personal development, contributes to increased work efficiency and, as a result, the achievement of the company’s goals as a whole.
Keywords: communication, international enterprises, interaction, management, international cooperation, workspace organization, leadership.
doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2024-2-69-159-165