Author(s) | Collection number | Pages | Download abstract | Download full text |
Бучко Р. М. | № 2 (69) | 159-165 |
The article provides theoretical justification and practical recommendations on the need to improve the process of choosing the optimal financial strategy of an enterprise.
The financial strategy ensures the effective formation, distribution and use of all financial resources by forming long-term financial goals, choosing the optimal ways to achieve them, when changing the conditions of the external and internal environment.
The choice of the financial strategy of an enterprise consists in determining the concept of financial stability management, establishing strategic guidelines and limitations for the development of the financial system of the enterprise, determining target indicators of financial stability and ways to achieve them.
To substantiate the financial strategy, it is necessary to pay significant attention to the study of all components of the internal production and financial potential of the enterprise, which significantly affect the choice of the type of financial strategy of the enterprise.
With high current financial stability and profitability of the enterprise, it is advisable to use a strategy for increasing financial resources or a strategy for improving financial management. Timely consideration of external threats allows you to develop a strategy for redistributing financial resources or a strategy for financial recovery of the enterprise.
The strategic goal of the financial strategy is to increase the market value of the enterprise while minimizing financial risk.
The process of implementing the main goal and financial goals of the enterprise, as a rule, is always aimed at improving the composition and structure of property, the optimal ratio of sources of financing for the enterprise›s assets, increasing the solvency and creditworthiness of the enterprise; optimizing the size and structure of the enterprise›s cash flows, using financial leverage to increase the profitability of the enterprise›s property.
The implementation of the tasks set should take place taking into account the priority of their impact on current and strategic financial stability.
Control and adjustment of the selected financial strategy is carried out on the basis of periodic monitoring of the system of selected financial indicators, analysis of key financial indicators and assessment of the efficiency of the enterprise›s activities.
Keywords: strategy, choice, financial stability, solvency, liquidity, management, enterprise, capital, efficiency, planning, analysis, assessment, factors, assets, capital, profitability, financial results
doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2024-2-69-151-158