Application of optimization methods in the problem of placement of vector graphic objects on the plane

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Паламарчук Д. Ю., Tymchenko O. V., Демченко В. О. № 1 (68) 61-70 Image Image

The article considers a comprehensive comparison of optimization algorithms for solving the problem of placing vector graphic objects on a plane. Algorithms are described in the form of block diagrams, which allow one to clearly understand their structure and principles of operation. These diagrams provide a step-by-step visual representation of the processes involved, making it easier to follow the logical process and identify the key components of each algorithm. Software is developed to evaluate the effectiveness of these methods. This program uses simplified input data in the form of rectangular objects that are placed on planes of different sizes. A set of rectangular objects and different dimensions of the plane makes it possible to perform a variety of analysis in different scenarios, guaranteeing the reliability of the results. Research results are carefully presented in the form of graphs and tables that clearly illustrate the effectiveness of each method. Furthermore, the article provides a thorough discussion of the obtained results and conclusions, indicating the high potential of optimization search methods in solving the problem of placing graphic objects. It highlights the practical implications of these findings, suggesting that these methods can significantly improve efficiency and resource utilization in various applications, such as manufacturing, printing, and layout design. The results of this study can guide future development and innovation in optimization methods, contributing to advances in fields that require accurate and efficient feature placement strategies.

Keywords: optimization, comparative analysis, vector graphic objects, genetic algorithm, simulation modeling, annealing simulation method.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2024-1-68-61-70

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