Communication processes in a company with international staff

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Бучко Р. М. № 1 (68) 306-312 Image Image

High-quality communication at the enterprise is an integral part of the successful transfer of information between employees, customers and contractors of any structures, and directly affects the final result of the work. In today’s globalized world, more and more enterprises have international teams. On the one hand, this encourages the improvement of knowledge exchange and innovation, but it can also create communication problems due to language and cultural barriers, which will provoke a significant negative impact on the enterprise.

Often, the consequences of communication barriers in such enterprises are a misunderstanding of contexts, which, as a result, provokes errors (when team members can misinterpret instructions, tasks or feedback, which can lead to errors that can affect not only the profitability of the enterprise, but also on his reputation); reduced productivity (ineffective communication can lead to delays and rework); frustration and conflicts (language barriers can lead to frustration, misunderstandings and conflicts between team members, which negatively affects morale and atmosphere in the team); exclusion and isolation (team members who do not speak the majority language can feel excluded and isolated, which can lead to reduced motivation and loss of valuable personnel).

In this work, the author wants to present ways of solving such conflicts, choosing the international logistics company “SVB Express” as an example and as a platform for communicative research. Based on our own observations and scientific research, it is strived to form a universal methodical base that will help to qualitatively overcome language and cultural barriers at an enterprise with employees who speak different languages, profess different values, traditions and social positions.

Keywords: communication, international enterprises, language barriers, communication, management, international cooperation.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2024-1-68-306-312

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