Computer design of cardboard packaging

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Kadyliak M. S., Kulik L. Y., Двірник С. І. № 1 (68) 207-217 Image Image

A logo for car washing services is created in the form of a foam machine. This is a graphic image or symbol that identifies care services, machine cleanliness. It is an important part of the visual identity of the business and helps to recognize and remember the brand. The font and color for the logo are selected, taking into account the psychological impact of colors on human perception. The laws of proportion are used in the construction of the logo to create a harmonious and aesthetically attractive design.

Scans of cardboard packages are created for research. Such packages have an automatic folding bottom. Each package sweep has main and auxiliary elements. The side walls, bottom, lid of the box are the main elements, text and graphic information is applied to them during the construction process. Different valves are auxiliary elements of the sweep, they are designed to fasten the main elements. The design of cardboard packaging for rags, which will be sold in the store, is developed. Shades of blue and white are chosen for the packaging design. At the moment, it is winter, it is snowing, so snowflakes are drawn on the packaging. Blue color expresses stability, calmness, truth. With the addition of white, it gives the package a pleasant look and attracts the attention of the buyer. The proposed packaging design corresponds to the corporate style of the car wash. A 3D model of the packaging is built. This function makes it possible to view the appearance of the designed packages in the window of the car wash shop.

An expert survey is conducted to assess the quality of packaging design. Two groups of experts took part in the survey: designers and buyers of car wash products. Based on the obtained results, it is established that the design of the packages satisfies both the designers and the buyers of the goods at the car wash. The first package is quite convenient to open. The second packaging satisfied the experts on the general perception of the design, the recognizability of the logo and individual graphic elements. Such packaging will attract the attention of buyers of the product more. It is established that the quality of the packaging design will be influenced by the development of the logo, the design of the packaging itself, the graphic design of the packaging and the materials from which the packaging is made.

Keywords: design, computer technologies, construction of cardboard packaging, scanning, layout, logo.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2024-1-68-207-217

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