Cyber security in telecommunication networks and systems

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The article examines current cybersecurity issues in modern telecommunications networks, emphasizing the need to enhance protection methods due to cyberattacks’ increasing frequency and complexity. It discusses the rise of cybersecurity threats in contemporary telecom networks, stressing the necessity for their study and resolution. A detailed analysis of recent trends and cyberattack statistics is conducted, particularly in Ukraine. It covers primary threats like DDoS attacks, viruses, phishing, and others, along with descriptions of cybercriminal categories and their attack methods.

Contemporary methods of protecting information resources are analyzed, including data encryption and the utilization of complex authentication algorithms. The ad­vantages and disadvantages of various encryption methods, such as AES and RSA, are discussed. Special attention is given to configuring Cisco routers as key components of cybersecurity, detailing setup steps like establishing basic parameters, employing Access Control Lists (ACLs) to restrict access, and using authentication and authorization functions to enhance security. The role of firewalls in cybersecurity systems, their main functions, and their types are examined. The article describes firewall configuration stages, covering security policy configuration, network traffic monitoring, detecting and blocking suspicious activities, and support for security rule updates. Emphasis is placed on vulnerability analysis and timely identification of potential threats.

A conclusion is drawn regarding the necessity of a systematic approach to cybersecurity, incorporating modern technologies, continuous monitoring, user education, and coordination of security measures. The importance of flexible and adaptive security systems capable of responding to new threats is underscored.

Keywords: cybersecurity, telecommunication networks, cyber-attacks, VMDR, Cisco routers, firewalls, encryption, information systems.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2024-1-68-122-135

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