Drive of the pressure plate of the die-cutting press on the basis of using the screw nut transmission (method of evaluation of consumption power components)

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Rehei I. I., Knysh O. B., Behen P. I., Радіховський І. А., Mlynko O. I. № 1 (60) 98-107 Image Image

The article focuses on the significant share of the paper and cardboard packaging sector in the world market. The article highlights important trends in the production of cardboard packaging. It is noted that an important complex technological operation is manufacturing of cardboard packaging involutes on high-performance die-cutting equipment. As a result, its use and analytical researches have revealed the oscillating motion of the pressure plate of the press. A new pressure plate drive is proposed to ensure strict parallel horizontal movement of the pressure plate. Nuts are firmly attached to the corners of the plate, into which vertical screws are inserted. The use of four-link mechanisms is provided for the drive of screws. The importance of performing analytical researches of the force load of the combined mechanism using the screw-nut transmission is substantiated. The elements of the pressure plate drive, which perform reciprocating, reversing-rotating, reversing-oscillating, plane-parallel and rotating movements, are grouped. Dependences for analytical assessment of kinetic power spent on overcoming of technological resistance of die-cutting cardboard involutes, inertial forces caused by moving masses of drive elements of a pressure plate, friction of rolling in transfers «screw-nut» are deduced. Analytical dependences between their relative kinematic and geometrical parameters are established. The given sequence of the consumed power assessment solves a technical problem on engineering design of the pressure plate drive of die-cutting presses on the basis of use of transmission «screw-nut».

Keywords: cardboard packaging, die-cutting equipment, pressure plate, screw-nut transmission, kinetic power, technological resistance, inertial loads.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2020-1-60-98-107

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