Author(s) | Collection number | Pages | Download abstract | Download full text |
Homolska V. V., Bosak I. P. | № 1 (60) | 115-122 |
In the article, the different authors’ approaches to the evaluation of marketing effectiveness are summarized. It has been established that the evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing tools is carried out at different stages of marketing activity, in particular, at the preliminary, intermediate and final stages. Preliminary monitoring is aimed at preventing ineffective measures; the intermediate compares the intended effect of the measures with the actual; and the final assessment requires the use of quantitative and qualitative evaluation criteria and allows one to determine the direction for improvement in the future, to compare the planned and actual indicators.
It has been determined that the idea about the effectiveness of marketing is formed based on the priority of tasks facing the market activity of the enterprise. Since the range of marketing tasks nowadays include increasing the value and market orientation of the enterprise, increasing the value component in the manufactured product, expanding the use of integrated marketing technologies and marketing knowledge systems, optimizing the portfolio of enterprise brands; the system of indicators of marketing effectiveness does not have a single description in scientific papers. Therefore, based on the analysis of different sources, several approaches to the presentation of marketing effectiveness indicators have been highlighted, in particular: the evaluation of marketing effectiveness based on the formation of a balanced scorecard; the evaluation of marketing effectiveness on the basis of brand „valency”; the estimation of marketing economic efficiency as a result of comparison of financial indicators and marketing expenses; the estimation of marketing efficiency on the basis of determination of financial return from non-monetary marketing resources; the assessment of the macroeconomic effectiveness of marketing: the evaluation of marketing effectiveness based on market determinants; the evaluation of marketing effectiveness in terms of technical and price components; estimating marketing effectiveness based on customer reaction tracking.
Although the list of concepts of effectiveness evaluation is not complete, it gives an idea of the complexity of formulating conclusions about the effectiveness of marketing activity of the company. Therefore, it is concluded that obtaining objective and strategically oriented evaluations is possible only when using the whole range of evaluation directions: from the economic efficiency of marketing activity to determining the buying response, changing the competitive situation and brand strength.
Keywords: marketing, efficiency, economic efficiency, evaluation, criterion, indicator.
doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2020-1-60-115-122