Priority tasks of corporate security at ukrainian enterprises

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The history of the emergence and development of corporations has long historical roots, but in Ukraine only the first steps have been taken, which are designed to contribute to the spread of this most effective form of business organization.

The priority of forming the methodological basis for ensuring the corporate security of enterprises in Ukraine today is determined primarily by two key circumstances. Firstly, the need to create a safe development environment for each business entity is determined by the riskiness of business activities in general and the difficult conditions for doing business in Ukraine due to the duration of transformation processes and instability in the national economy. Secondly, the importance of the role of corporations operating today, which they already play in the economic processes of our country and the growth of their influence, by analogy with other countries, in the future.

The compilation of the scientific heritage of foreign and Ukrainian scientists made it possible to identify a number of advantages of the corporation in comparison with other forms of entrepreneurial activity: effective attraction of capital; limited liability of participants (within the limits of corporate rights); competitive advantages due to savings in production and marketing costs; sustainability through the use of the instrument of internal and inter-branch flow of capital; centralization of management; independence from each individual owner.

Along with the advantages, we consider it appropriate to note the presence of cer­tain disadvantages: the complexity and duration of the registration process; double ta­xation (income of the company and shareholders’ dividends) difference in the form of remuneration of managers and shareholders; high administrative costs.

The conducted scientific research has revealed that the problem of ensuring cor­porate security is not given due attention. So, today there are only a few definitions of this term, theoretical and methodological approaches, methodological foundations and practical recommendations are in the formative stage. It has been suggested to consider corporate security as an activity aimed at achieving mutually agreed corporate interests through the effective use of available resources and protection from the negative impact of threats, making it possible to create safe conditions for the sustainable development of the enterprise.

It has been substantiated that it is advisable to include in the tasks of corporate security: the control over the process of production and sales of products in order to identify untapped opportunities with a subsequent increase in the efficiency of the use of available corporate resources; the formation of the necessary informational basis for making tactical and strategic decisions by managers at all levels, taking into account the security aspect, including based on the results of business intelligence; the protection of the information field of the enterprise, in particular commercial secrets; ensuring the physical protection of corporate property and the prevention and suppression of internal conflicts between groups of workers; working with job applicants and corporate personnel to improve the motivation system and more effectively utilize the personal potential of each employee; the protection of corporate rights of participants; preventing and eliminating contradictions between the interests of managers and shareholders, etc. The attention is focused on the need to prevent and eliminate conflicts between participants and managers and certain groups of shareholders.

Keywords: security, corporation, corporate security, interest, threat, shareholder.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2019-1-58-110-116

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