The analysis of scientific articles, analytical overviews, and statistical data concerning the current state of packaging sector development shows that nowadays flexographic printing method is the leading method for label and packaging production. Digital technology for flexographic plate production has been widely spread among key flexographic printing manufacturers and has become a standard of high-quality printing production. This technology implementation (with the mask usage) has become possible due to ‘mask photopolymers’ offered to the Market by leading flexographic material producers, and also with the help of laser equipment developed for manipulations with mentioned materials.
As a basis for mask photopolymer plates, companies use traditional and practically experienced photopolymer compositions. These compositions are effective both in the manufacturing process and plate production.
DuPont company represents two technologies for flat-topped printing plates. The first one is Digiflow, which means supplying nitrogen to the atmospheric chamber until the complete displacement of oxygen from the chamber. The second one presents the inclusion the anti-inhibitory layer into the plate components that prevents the penetration of oxygen during the main exposure.
These plates were developed to get flat-topped printing dots, and guarantee the best printing quality of halftones, line work, and inks. The ESE plates have a modified surface to get a higher color density without microrasterization usage.
The research of DuPont company technologies for flexographic printing plate production has been held. The research results show Easy plates have a better capacity to the recreation of raster dots in bright areas. The evaluation of testing imprints received with two technologies shows the fact that printing plates received from Easy plates have better ink and gradation transferring.
Keywords: digital photopolymer plates, flexographic printing plates, flat-topped printing elements, flexographic printing method, label and packaging production, quality control.
doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2020-2-61-75-85
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