To study the dynamics of the ink printing system with three storage rollers, a mathematical model has been developed, which describes the circulation of ink flows of rotating rollers and cylinders and the operation of the ink medium. A Matlab-Simulink environment-based inkjet simulator has been constructed that attempts to use its components to create an automated transition duration mechanism.
Modelling and research using the use and magnitude of the ink opening in the contact zone for the duration of the higher ink printing system in the operating mode have been done. The transitions from the significant filling of the form of other elements and deviations from the number of ink opening coefficients in the contact zone of rollers and cylinders have been experienced. It is updated that the first one changes over time, and the second number of elements of the triviality of the higher ink-printing system is formed in the steady state, which changes nonlinearly. In addition, there are different cycles of duration of calibrated systems in operation, with large amounts of effective propagating inks. Monthly, for a range that is more efficient, the delay forms other elements of the elements, from 0.5 to 1.0, which is often offered by proportional ability. With a decrease in the short-term nonlinear reliability of the characteristics increases significantly and the greatest duration of the transient process occurs then. People believe that theoretically and practically the value has revealed the duration of the found ink-printing system, which allowed achieving a large number of people, reproducing the ink in the contact zone of rollers and cylinders and mandatory correctors that require an input question.
Keywords: ink printing system, mathematical model, ink supply device, simulator, modelling, transient process, ink splitting coefficient.
doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2020-1-60-53-65
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