Technology of the development of 3D character models for a computer game

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Євсєєв О. С., Миснік В. І. № 1 (68) 31-45 Image Image

In the area of computer games, 3D-graphics have become particularly popular, meeting the aesthetic and genre preferences of a wide range of users. Technological advances have increased the availability and diversity of game content, raising the bar for quality and originality. Thus, keeping audiences engaged is becoming increasingly challenging in a rapidly changing world with growing information and entertainment needs.

3D character modeling is becoming an important factor in increasing user engagement and satisfaction. Well-designed characters not only contribute to a more immersive virtual world, but also play a crucial role in forming an emotional connection between the user and the game environment, which is key to maintaining interest and loyalty.

The rapid advances in the quality of 3D characters and their animation emphasize the growing interest in computer games, which necessitates the need to improve 3D character creation techniques. Despite the scientific interest in this field, a comprehensive approach to study the detailed methodology of 3D character development requires systematization, which highlights the need for further research.

This article is devoted to the development of a state-of-the-art 3D game character creation technology aimed at optimizing the process and improving quality performance. The proposed technology emphasizes the iterative nature of development, providing continuous evaluation and refinement at each stage. This approach not only optimizes labor costs but also standardizes the quality of the final product, allowing teams to focus on innovation and creative character design.

The proposed 3D character development technique for computer games shows potential in improving the efficiency of the production process. It supports an integrated approach to video game production by focusing on quality, efficiency and innovation. The implementation of this technology in the production process can significantly improve the quality of the final product, contributing to the development of content for the game industry and providing an improved experience for the end user.

Keywords: 3D game, 3D character model, 3D modeling, three-dimensional graphics, areas of application of 3D characters, stages of creation, development method, technological scheme.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2024-1-68-31-45

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