The essence of methodological approaches in scientific research

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Shulskyi M. H. № 1 (68) 269-283 Image Image

A study of the essence of methodological approaches in the implementation of scientific research is conducted. The main emphasis in conducting research on the chosen topic is made on a dialectical approach to the assessment of the activities of economic entities and the role and importance of the environment in the development of social relations is emphasized. Considerable attention is paid in the publication to the interpretation of the concept of “methodology”. The various information collected and processed in a certain way is shown in Table 1. The range of statements about methodology by individual scientists gives reason to state the significant role and prevalence of the category of methodology in various fields of science.

The research material on the role of methodology in the organization of regulation of certain types of human activity is of great interest. The results of research in this direction are shown in Table 2. Different spheres of activity lead to the use of different methodological techniques in research processes. This is reflected in the statements of individual scientists given in the table. An important direction when clarifying the essence of methodological approaches to conducting research is considered to be the analysis of methodology in terms of their two components: general and partial. The materials of the research results are presented in Table 3. Here, the dialogic method of research is used, in which specific questions are formulated, the answers to which are found in the text of the researched source. This method is used when researching the essence of the teachings of ancient Greek philosophers and their role in “forming the foundations of the philosophy of methodology” (Table 4).

Along with the study of the problems of using methodological approaches in various spheres and types of activity, considerable attention is paid to the important component of the concept of “methodology” of the technique. The obtained results of the study are shown in Table 5. Particular attention is paid to literary sources, which reflect the essence of the definition of the category “methodology”, the application of its components in practical conditions.

Summarizing the above, it can be stated that there is a great significance of the obtained research results in the development of various spheres of social relations and the importance of conducting further research on this topic.

Keywords: methodology, methodological approaches, social relations, research, science, methods, methodology, agro-industrial complex.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2024-1-68-269-283

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