Ways to attract the attention of an online audience

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Bondarenko T. H. № 1 (52) 248-257 Image Image

The article examines the tools that help to attract the attention of an online audience, the use of which improves the information interaction between online media and an addressee, helps to predict the behaviour of users, motivating them to the long-term information consumption. The terms «attention», «attention economics», «online audience», «interactivity» have been defined. We have identified various ways that help activate the audience’s attention, including: 1)text resources (local reading, remote reading, universal search box); 2)social media as a platform to promote content (proposals «to subscribe to the news» and «news share», social networks promotion); 3) interactive tools (contests, polls, comments, publication of newsreaders); 4) electronic resources (activation of primary run, getting targeted news, «RSS» as an ordered collection of related information, developing of mobile and tablet versions). Theoretical and practical significance of the study has been motivated by the theoretical generalizations, evidence-based facts, contemporary media content. The research results in the communication interaction between online publishers and the audience can be used by the audience at large.

Keywords: attention, attention economics, way to attract attention, online audience, interactivity.

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