Publisher — Ukrainian Academy of Printing
Ukrainian Academy of Printing is the only autonomous educational institution that trains specialists in media technologies and printing. During its 85 year history it has trained thousands of highly qualified specialists, who nowadays forms informational space of our country. They work in publishing and printing houses, mass media, printing plants, bookstores, advertising agencies, machine-building enterprises, and research institutes.
The Academy trains specialists for Bachelor’s degree, and Master’s degree in 20 specialities for the whole printing and publishing industry, and allied branches of industry.
Over 200 professors, doctors of sciences, assistant professors and PhD carry out fruitful research work at 20 departments.
Structure: 5 faculties, Printing college, preparatory department, research unit with post-graduate and doctorate department, publishing house, printing plant, library and other structural units.
The Academy was founded in 1930 in Kharkiv due to the merger of Faculties of Printing of Kyiv, Kharkiv and Odessa Art Institutes. In 1945 the institution was transferred to Lviv.
In 1976 the Academy started training specialists for foreign countries.
Since 1983 there has been working a specialized academic council for defense of Candidates’ (PhD) theses.
In 1993 the doctorate department was opened.
Since 1994 there has been working a specialized academic council for doctoral dissertations defense.
Being a member of International Association of Printing Institutions, the Academy takes part in creating a unified European educational space of specialists’ training in the field of printing and publishing. It cooperates closely with leading educational establishments and printing plants of European countries. The Academy maintains close relations with Oxford-Brookes University, Leipzig and Bergische Universities, Warsaw Polytechnic University. The agreements on cooperation with the following companies: “Heidelberg”, “Man-Roland”, “Adast”, “Colbus” have been signed.