Actualization of the meaning of «freedom» in the conceptual idea of the nation field (in journalism material by I. Bahriany)

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Kovpak V. A. № 1 (52) 258-266 Image Image

In the context of social communications it is important to consider these structural elements of communication, such as social (or socio-cultural) meanings that are specific codes with specific content, used for the expression of specific cultural messages that express the relation to the object of social reality, the idea of it, and bandages associated with it interaction, rooted in the social experience of the subject. The article analyzes the level of main streaming social and cultural meaning of «freedom» in the field of conceptual ideas of the nation (based on journalism material by I. Bagriany): archetypal, cultural, historical and specific axiological and others. This paper describes the concept of «social and cultural meaning», «picture of the world», «communicative efficient single national humanitarian-cultural and information space»

Keywords: socio-cultural sense, picture of the world, media picture of the world, conceptual area of the ideas of the nation, journalism.

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