Analysis of technological conditions of the grinding process efficiency improving

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Shakhbazov Ya. O., Shyrokov V. V., Palamar O. O., Kolomiiets A. B. № 2 (61) 103-108 Image Image

The analysis of technological possibilities of efficiency improving for the process of machining by grinding in technological processes of production and repair of details has been performed. The result can be achieved by controlling geometrical parameters and cutting properties of the working surface of grinding wheels during their setting by a diamond tool, in particular by the method of turning. It is determined that setting of a grinding wheel by incomplete brittle breaking reduces the radii at the abrasive grains’ top on the working surface of the grinding wheel. By comparing the average radii of rounding of tops of grains in a free state with a similar parameter on the working surface of the grinding wheel after setting its working surface, it was found that the cutting tops of partially destroyed grains are much sharper (1.5 ... 2.5 times) than tops of “free” ones. In this case, the grinding wheel’s finishing period will be reduced also due to a smaller depth of the defective layer of the wheel’s working surface. The obtained relief of the wheel’s working surface provides high productivity of forming of the treated surface quality during final grinding operations such as stability of other basic parameters of the machining process.

This affects the basic parameters of the grinding process, such as its quality and energy indicators. The most developed relief of a working surface of a grinding wheel arises during setting by full destruction of the blunted grains or bond. In this case, the distance between the abrasive grains increases within the wheel’s underlayment, which causes high cutting properties of grinding wheels during rough grinding operations. With the setting mechanism, cutting grains will have maximum radii and angles at its top.

The authors recommend technological conditions for partial and complete destruc­tion of grains for various grinding operations. The smaller depth of setting and size of the diamond crystal is, the lower will be the4 degree of destruction of a working sur­face of a grinding wheel and, therefore, such a surface will be less developed, what processing during finishing grinding operations requires.

Keywords: grinding, grinding wheel, abrasive grains, roughness, micro-destruction, macro-destruction, cutting forces, conditions of grain destruction.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2020-2-61-103-108

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