Corporate governance strategy as a basis for increasing competitiveness of enterprises of publishing and printing activity

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Yeremenko A. O. № 1 (56) 208-216 Image Image

The main features have been highlighted and the approach to the substantiation of the corporate governance strategy has been suggested that provides the competitiveness of enterprises of publishing and printing activity. The concept of “strategy” and its components: mission, goals, control and strategic perspectives have been suggested. The pyramid of strategy and the model of the strategic planning process have been presented and the influence of the enterprise strategy on the competitiveness of publishing and printing activity has been formed on their basis. The process of strategic planning is a tool that helps in making managerial decisions. Its task is to provide the innovation and changes in the organization sufficiently due to the influence of the corporate strategy on the competitiveness of publishing and printing companies. Strategic vision of the mission, goals and implementation of the strategy through the strategic planning model has been developed. It has been established that the strategy of corporations of publishing and printing activity affirms its influence on competitiveness through factors of macroeconomic influence at all levels of publishing and printing activity.

The result of the study is the creation of a model of the strategic planning process, which is reduced to the substantiation of its implementation for publishing and printing companies. The influence of the corporation’s strategy on the competitiveness of publishing and printing activity, which ensures the efficiency of effective work in modern conditions of management, has been studied and grounded. The formation of the developed strategy of corporate management of enterprises of publishing and printing activity requires the appropriate management, which will ensure high competitiveness.

Keywords: strategy, corporate management, publishing and printing activity, model of planning, competitiveness, factors of macroeconomic influence.

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