Economic efficiency of complex preparation of journal production

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Kalitovska V. O., Lazanovskyi P. P., Prokopiuk M. D. № 2 (57) 132-140 Image Image

The article indicates the main features of the current market of journal editions and changes in their technological parameters. It is noted that the issues of complex preparation of journal editions became especially relevant in recent years in connection with the introduction of Ukrainian publishing and printing structures of advanced European and world technologies in their production. It is noted that the problems of complex preparation of journal editions are one of the subjects of modern research of scientists and practitioners of publishing and printing business, especially in the economic context of them.

The definition of the essence and content of the complex preparation of production according to the results of the analysis of the publications of scientists is specified. It is suggested to complete the decisions made on the complex preparation of production by compulsory economic and marketing substantiation. The stages of complex preparation of journal editions production as a basis for improving its efficiency are characterized. The importance of choosing variants of technical preparation of production of journal editions in modern conditions of numerical possibilities in designing their formats, overlays, illustrations, dyes and other parameters is underlined. It has been stated that expediency of measures of complex preparation of production is determined by a system of technical and economic indicators. It was emphasized that the growth of the economic efficiency of the complex preparation of the production of journal editions in the current conditions of its crisis economic phenomena should occur only by reducing the cost of work within each stage. The results of the calculation of costs and the values of economic efficiency indicators are presented (one of the most widely used today for a variant of the complex preparation of the production of a conditional number of a journal edition using the actual average data of publishing houses and printing companies). The conclusions are drawn from the results of the research and its perspectives are outlined.

Keywords: complex preparation of production, journal editions, technical and tech­nological decisions, costs, economic efficiency.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2018-2-57-132-140

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