Factors for formation and development of the company innovative potential

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Kobryn L. Y. № 2 (67) 259-266 Image Image

The article provides a theoretical justification and presents the developed practical recommendations for the systematization and implementation of factors for the formation and development of the innovative potential of the company in the conditions of a competitive market.

The formation of the innovative potential of the company involves the development and implementation of a set of measures for the organization and mobilization of internal resources necessary to achieve innovative goals. This process should start from the moment the company is created and take into account the dynamic changes in the external environment. The innovative potential of the company is influenced by internal factors (technical, technological, material, intellectual, managerial, organizational, economic), as well as factors of the external environment: political, scientific, social, legal, cultural. The external factors, as a rule, have a restrictive and stimulating nature. The internal factors are decisive and largely depend on the level and qualifications of the management personnel, the experience and skills of managers, principles and approaches to organization and business management. Therefore, the effectiveness of the process of the innovative potential formation depends on taking into account the effective interaction of all factors at the tactical, operational and strategic levels of management.

At the same time, the innovative potential formation is real only under the condition of sufficient investment resources. In addition, the implementation of innovative goals of the company is possible only at a certain level of the innovative potential. Therefore, the company management must pay considerable attention to the issues of assessment, use, preservation and financial possibilities of increasing the innovative potential of the company.

The development of innovative potential requires improvement of the system of planning, financing, material and technical and organizational and information support of innovative processes in the company. The search for growth factors of the innovation potential involves constant monitoring of innovation processes, the development of objective methods of economic assessment of activity results, the formation of an analytical database on possible risks and reserves, causes and consequences, as well as the implementation of modern techniques and methods of the innovation management.

The growth of innovation potential depends on the effectiveness of the formed innovation management system, integrated into the general management system, subordinated to the strategic goal and oriented towards the achievement of the strategic and current goals of the company development.

Keywords: factors, innovation potential, innovation, innovation management, enterprise, management, development, strategy, system, resources, efficiency, planning, analysis, evaluation, market, competitiveness.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2023-2-67-259-266

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