Features of development of stock market of Ukraine

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Obertan D. V., Palyha Ye. M., Panchyshyn T. V. № 2 (53) 127-133 Image Image

The article describes the essence of the Ukrainian stock market, which is one of the important components of market economy, and makes it possible to carry out the restructuring of the economic growth. The aim of this study is to ground the functioning of the domestic stock market and the prospects for its further development. The main attributes on which the stock market is classified are determined and the importance of the principles of its functioning is marked. The structure of the stock market in graphical form combining its respective components is proposed. The role of intermediary activities with securities in order to profit is substantiated and the important issues of the domestic securities market is outlined. The need to improve the functioning of the Ukrainian stock market through effective mechanisms is proved.

Keywords: stock market, securities, depositories, investments, stock exchange.

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