Features of providing international competitiveness of the enterprise in stress conditions

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Duliaba N. I., Honchar M. F., Kohut U. I. № 1 (56) 177-186 Image Image

The article studies the essence of the concepts of competitiveness and international competitiveness of the enterprise. The role of personnel in ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise, the effects of stress on labor productivity and efficiency, and the im­portance of taking into account their impact on the competitiveness of the enterprise and international in particular have been highlighted. It has been determined that the negative consequences of stress at work are the reduction of the quality of work, the deterioration of the efficiency of workers, their creative potential, which serves as a component of intellectual capital, and is the basis for ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise, industry, the country as a whole in the present. Research from Europe and other developed countries has shown that stress in the workplace is the cause of 50% to 60% of all lost working days.

The essence of the concept of «stress», which is suggested to be interpreted as a stressful psycho-emotional state of the human body, has been determined by the influence of stress factors of professional, organizational, personal and other nature. The elements of the enterprise competitiveness management system are suggested in their relationship in the conditions of employees stress, aimed at ensuring timely identification and identification of a particular stressful situation, that is, determining the type of stress, its sources and stress factors, determining the level of influence on productivity and competitiveness of the enterprise. On the basis of this, the formation of the most «optimal» tools for fighting stress in the workplace in accordance with the features and characteristics of stress identified in the previous stages is important in order to level (mitigate) the negative effects of stress, as well as the formation of preventive measures to prevent stress in the workplace with their possible consequences and ensuring an adequate level of international competitiveness of the enterprise.

Keywords: stress, enterprise competitiveness, labor productivity, enterprise per­son­nel, efficiency.

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