Features of the design of text material and technical editing of brochures

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Бережна О. Б., Андрющенко Т. Ю. № 1 (66) 124-133 Image Image

A brochure can be an effective means of conveying short, clear and informative information about a product, service, event or company. It can be used for advertising, marketing, education, training and information purposes. However, for the brochure to be attractive and effective, it is important that its design is original and carefully thought out. The article explores ways to design brochure elements such as fonts, color, size, and style. All these elements affect the perception of information and the effectiveness of message transmission. Technical editing, in turn, includes checking spelling, grammar, and punctuation, as well as using proper formats and page sizes. The correct design and editing of brochures helps to make them attractive to readers, ensures the correct perception of information and increases their effectiveness. Thus, the design and editing of brochures are important elements of their creation and successful use, so the research topic is relevant. The most common cases of using brochures and the key requirements for brochures are considered. The general requirements for brochures that help ensure their quality and effectiveness are studied. The types of illustrative material that can be used in brochures are studied: photographs; graphs and charts; illustrations and drawings; cartographic material; tables and lists. Recommendations are provided for the design and technical editing of brochures, they should be understandable and accessible to a wide audience, which is one of the main requirements for them. This means that they should be easy to read and understand. In addition, compliance with the rules of technical editing and typesetting is necessary to ensure the quality of materials. Their design should be bright and provide easy perception of information. In addition, it is important that the brochures are printed on quality paper with appropriate trim and finishing to ensure their longevity.

Keywords: brochure, text design, technical editing, typography, features of test material design.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2023-1-66-124-133

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