Formation of the mechanism for managing the financial stability of the publishing and printing enterprise

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Yaremyk Kh. Ya., Yaremyk M. I. № 1 (62) 142-153 Image Image

Publishing and printing companies are required to focus their attention on solving the problem of improving the effectiveness of financial stability management in order to overcome the crisis, including financial support activities. The purpose of this article is to substantiate the theoretical and methodological principles of formation of a mechanism for managing financial stability of the publishing and printing company. The essence of the concept of «mechanism for managing the financial stability of the enterprise» is studied, which allows to highlight the existing approaches in its interpretation. Among the features that have an impact on the formation of the performance of companies in the publishing and printing industry, there are: the limited effects of the law of supply and demand for the conditions of the publishing market; the difficulty of forecasting long-term demand for publishing products; limited segments of product markets; publishing needs financial support at the state level. The purpose of implementation of the mechanism for managing financial stability of the publishing and printing company is justified, which consists in achievement by an entity the optimal level of financial stability at which solvency, creditworthiness, investment attractiveness are provided. The main tasks of the process of managing the financial stability of publishing and printing companies are highlighted. The following sequence of stages of formation of the mechanism for managing financial stability of the publishing and printing enterprise is presented: definition of the goals, subjects and objects of management; detection of controls; determination of methods to influence on the management factors; developing a strategy to ensure financial stability; monitoring the state of financial stability. The process of building a mechanism for managing financial stability is structured within the activities of publishing and printing companies using the basic elements: functions (accumulation, control, regulatory); financial management methods, levers, instruments and support systems.

Keywords: financial stability, publishing and printing enterprise, mechanism for managing, methods, system, factors, strategy, financial levers, financial instruments.

doi: 10.32403/1998-6912-2021-1-62-142-153

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